Friday, December 17, 2010

Stereolab - Not Music

Do you like fun, interesting sound effects and dreamy voices? Then the new Stereolab album is for you. It will make you infinitely cooler than you are, and that is always a good thing.

Stereolab - Not Music

Friday, December 10, 2010

New Music Friday - Tame Impala

I am loving the new album from Tame Impala - Innerspeaker. It's clear that, while they have their own sound, their influences are myriad. Psych-alt-trip-rock would be a good way to describe it. The harmonies make it trippier, still.

Put on your headphones and enjoy.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


A few friends and I got together for a wonderful meal at Scarpetta last night in Beverly Hills. Wonderful food and excellent service. The two best dishes of the night were the famed Spaghetti and the not-so-famed Spelt Pasta.

Photo courtesy of the New York Times.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cook's Spices

Kimberly Cook-Fallon of Cook's Spices out of Santa Rosa, California makes some wonderful spice and seasoning blends that are truly unique. I chatted with her a few months back at the Windsor Farmers Market. I picked up three different blends, and have been cooking with them ever since. If you ever find yourself in the area, I would highly recommend seeking her out.

Image courtesy of Voice of the Food.